Our Products

Medicare Services
Medicare . . . . SO many important questions with SO many complicated answers! Like when do I enroll, do I have to pay a premium for Part A, what about Part B? Can I wait and enroll later? Are there “penalties” for not enrolling at certain times? We know the answers to those questions and the many more that you will find that you want to ask. We will walk the path with you through your Medicare journey.
Now let’s talk about all the literature (junk mail), commercials on TV and radio about Medicare Advantage plans. Plans change every year; we keep up with it so you don’t have to .
Plans vary by location and as your local source, we are experts in all the Medicare options with the varied companies that are available in our demographic area.

Individual and Family Health
Affordable Care Act. You’re confused? We can help! There are always many moving parts. Many good parts; no one can be denied health insurance due to pre-existing conditions, the ten essential benefits are now included , premiums are based on salary, subsidy options if qualified, no lifetime maximums, and many more. There are some difficult parts to understand; the differences between ON and OFF the exchange, “metal levels” and how Cost Sharing Reduction is applied, and the introduction of the new State exchange, moving from the Federal exchange.
Many grapple with making the decision between the many plan choices. We assist you with narrowing your options by determining what is best for you and your situation, how taxes are impacted, and so on. We have been there since the beginning and have had the experience of assisting many clients through enrollment. Let us help you identify the best coverage for you and your family’s needs. We do have answers to all your questions!

group health & benefits
How does Health Care Reform affect your business’ group health insurance? Premiums, tax credits, groups being exempt from initial enrollment giving them more time to comply with the mandate, fines and penalties. All are major concerns and we understand that the industry has gotten even more complicated. We are proud that we have kept ahead of the curve with all the changes and can either answer your questions or have resources to find the right answer to all your concerns. Applying for a group coverage plan has never been easier. There’s no more underwriting and groups can apply for coverage any time during the year as they do not have to adhere to the individual “open enrollment” standard. Group ancillary products such as dental, vision, life, accident, short and long term disability are also options to custom design an overall benefits package for your business. Let us help you in the design.

Your smile could brighten someone’s day! There are many reasons to keep that smile as beautiful as possible. Preventative dental care is an important part of keeping it beautiful. And, studies now show that good oral health is important to overall health and can show early warning signs of serious health issues. We have many plans available for you to choose from to suit your particular smile…..from basic preventative plans to enhanced plans to include such things as crowns, root canals, periodontic and endodontic services.

Glasses are a great fashion statement! Apart from that, routine vision care is important to maintain your good vision. Many eye and vision problems don’t have obvious symptoms. Regular check ups can detect and address the problem early. Routine care is also used as a tool to detect serious health conditions like diabetes, hypertension, multiple sclerosis, brain tumors, and more. We have some plans with no waiting periods, and low copayments. Why not get new glasses today to showcase those “baby blues”

Pet Insurance
Just as “pets are family too”, they also need insurance! Pet insurance plans for cats and dogs cover many different issues; including accidents, illness, emergency care, hospitalization and surgery. Hereditary and congenital conditions, prescription medications, cancer treatments, diagnostics, acupuncture & chiropractic, and physical rehabilitation can also be covered. As supplemental coverage, we also offer Accident Only and Cancer Only plans. There are different levels of coverage to choose from depending on what is important to you; you can choose your deductible and reimbursement rates from 70% to 100%. So, you can customize a plan that works for your “animal” family, depending on need and budget. Also, because this is a reimbursement plan, you can go to any licensed Veterinarian that you choose. We would love to provide you with a no obligation quote to show you how advantageous pet insurance can be for your family and your budget.

At least 70% of people over the age of 65 will need long-term care services or support at some point in their lives. There are many ways you can access long-term care; help at home, in a day care type community facility, an assisted living facility or a nursing home. Most think that long term care is covered by either Medicare or their Supplement Insurance policy which is not correct. Figuring out the best way to protect your assets if this assistance is needed is complicated; where you receive care (home, assisted living, nursing home. etc.), maximum monthly benefit vs. daily benefit, benefit periods, elimination period, inflation protection, spouse shared benefit, and tax qualified status as just some of the examples. We’d love to help you understand the details so you will feel secure that you are making the best choices to stay in control of how you spend your savings during your “golden years”.

You probably have coverage for fire and auto accidents; how about coverage for family finances if you have a Heart Attack, Stroke, or Major Burns (as well as many other health events)? Your major medical helps to pay for the doctors and hospital bills, but not out of pocket expenses like deductibles, copays or coinsurance. And what about your normal expenses like your mortgage, car payments or rent and utility bills? With a Critical Care policy, you will get paid a specified amount based on type of illness as well as a Hospital Confinement Benefit for each day you are hospitalized. Doesn’t that provide peace of mind knowing you can still take care of your family while having to deal with such a major life event?

They call accidents “accidents” because they are unplanned. It is reported that 34.3 million people, that’s about 1 in 9 of us, required medical attention because of an accident. If you are one in the nine, how would this impact you? Do you have reserved cash for medical deductibles, household expenditures and loss of wages? With an Accident Indemnity policy, you are paid cash benefits directly for you to use as you choose. Having peace of mind and confidence knowing that you and your family will have financial help in the case of an accident is a strong reason to consider this type of plan.

Whole & Term Life
Which source of insurance is the best for protecting your families’ financial future…..whole or term life? We each purchase life insurance for a variety of reasons; funeral expenses, taking care of unpaid debts, paying for children’s education, securing financial well-being for those we leave behind are only a few. Whole life insurance is attractive to those who like the idea that whole life has the component as an investment which builds cash value over time, one which can be borrowed against and is tax-deferred. Term life policies are purchased for a face amount for a specific period of time and pays the face amount to the beneficiary if the insured dies before the policy term expires. There is no cash-investment component. Just as you want to take care of loved ones while you’re here; a life policy will ensure you can take care of them after you’re gone.

No one wants to think about the unforeseen tragedy of losing a child. Sadly, they happen. You can at least be prepared financially by providing the children in your life protection with a term life insurance policy. This plan automatically converts to whole life insurance automatically when your “baby” turns 25. AND, the plan can be increased by the original coverage amount at ages 25, 28 and 31. Why not give a parent peace of mind knowing that in the time of a horrific loss, burial expenses are not an issue? Also, an additional benefit is giving a child growing into adulthood the security of knowing that they have access to a guaranteed convertible and renewable life insurance plan…..all for a very affordable premium of $45.00 per year for $20,000 in coverage? Why not enroll them in a plan now so you don’t have to think of it again?

If you want to feel secure that you do not put an undue financial burden on your loved ones to cover your funeral services, this is an ideal plan for you. This type of plan allows you to feel confident knowing that your funeral expenses are covered no matter what the status of your estate is at the time of your death. Final expense insurance is no different from a traditional life insurance policy. It is established for your family to use for your funeral and burial costs, and has a lower monetary value (traditionally between $10,000 and $25,000) than a traditional term life policy. Experiencing end of life with loved ones can be hard; this option can help make it easier.